Hey there, I’m Carolyn.

I help people kick-start their careers, finding roles that are meaningful and multidisciplinary.

It all started with a newsletter.

In 2021, I graduated with my master’s degree in Urban Placemaking and Management from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY and was in full job-search mode. I really wanted a job board that featured roles for placemakers, or people with diverse educational and professional backgrounds who bring a lot to the table, but whose skills are not easily distilled into search terms on traditional job boards. Frustrated that this resource didn’t exist, I decided to make it myself and This Must Be The Place was born.

What started with me emailing everyone I knew in the industry (at the time, not many people) has grown to a subscriber list of more than 500 people around the world. Subscribers started reaching out, seeking guidance and support. Since then, I’ve worked with people across the country looking to switch careers or find a new job.

I’d love to be a part of your professional journey.